Spring 2022
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on EMTs
In recent years, the effects of sleep deprivation and its effects on EMS health and safety have come onto the radar. Depending on the area, it is not uncommon for ...Functional Fitness Tips for Firefighters
What is the best way to improve fitness as firefighters? According to a 2019 study published in the Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology entitled ‘Examining a novel firefighter exercise ...Body Mass & the Soldier’s Fitness Level
The Department of Defense recently updated its 20-year-old policy that establishes body composition and physical fitness standards for active-duty service members to ensure optimal physical readiness. The revised DoD Instruction ...Combatting Stress with Nutrition & Post-Workout Recovery
Practice makes perfect, right? But how do you make your practice…perfect? Every tactical athlete participates in workouts that prepare them for active service. They work on skills and spend time ...Is the Tactical Strength Training Industry For You?
Are you a current strength and conditioning professional working in sports? Are you a recent college graduate looking to start your professional career as a strength and conditioning specialist? Have ...We're happy to provide a sampling of the articles in this issue. To receive full issues of Tactical Training & Conditioning, please subscribe.