Apr 6, 2022 4 Counseling Options for Service Members & Families
The Department of Defense provides a variety of counseling options to all active-duty, National Guard and reserve service members, survivors, designated Department of Defense expeditionary civilians and their families.
An article from MilitaryOneSource.com provided a list of counseling programs that can be utilized by soldiers and their families.
Below is an excerpt from that article.
- The Family Advocacy Program — The Family Advocacy Program is a supportive resource for service members and their families. The program provides support and resources to help families develop and sustain healthy, strong relationships. They can provide individual, couples, or family counseling, as well as support groups and other resources. The Family Advocacy Program also assesses, refers, and provides counseling for families experiencing domestic violence or child abuse and will also refer at-risk individuals for other immediate professional, medical mental health treatment.
- Combat stress control teams — Combat stress control teams are available as field resource support for service members during deployments. These teams of mental health professionals are embedded with units and offer unlimited access to help service members address concerns that arise in the field.
- Installation’s chaplain — In addition to offering spiritual guidance, chaplains in military units and commands are trained counselors who are attuned to military life. Many military members find a level of comfort and camaraderie in talking with a chaplain who offers confidential assistance and referral services for concerns that require additional help.
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- TRICARE or your nearest military treatment facility — Therapy services may also be available through TRICARE. Your primary care manager can refer you to appropriate counseling through a military treatment facility or a network provider in your area. If you are using TRICARE, make sure you understand what services will be covered and what co-pays you may be responsible for.
To read the full article from MilitaryOneSource.com, click here.